



Short Stories and Novels,


20 responses to “About

  1. Welcome to the world of WordPress. I am so very glad that you opted to follow me. I have a book out but I am going to ask you not to buy it yet. (Never thought you would hear an author say that did you? Ha!) The only reason that I say this is because I had a copy editor go over it with me in preparing it for contests. We are also preparing a paperback version and the eversion will be slightly changed to accommodate the paperback. That being said, I feel it will be a better product once this is all completed. I do think you might find the book interesting, and look forward to interacting with you on our blogs. I also post some poetry and short stories on The Community Storyboard where I am an editor if you would like to participate. Be advised that CSB gets a variety of material from a huge and diverse audience. We just completed a thirty day writing prompt challenge.

  2. I want you to know that I consider it an honor that you are following my blog now. You have blessed me!

  3. Thanks so much for following our journey in Asia! Hope to hear from you in our comment feed! 🙂 Blessings to you! -JK

  4. Thank you for following my blog. I look forward to reading some of your writings. I see you are a screenwriter? That is very weird because I have an idea for screen-write. I have been kind of looking around on the internet on how-to’s for screenwriting, but can’t seem to wrap my brain around it. I would like to also know your interest in adoption? Were you adopted or have you adopted? Look forward to getting to know you a little better. Thank you again for your interest. M~

  5. Thanks for following WordSisters! As Beth’s friend and WordSister, I’ve learned a lot about adoption over the years. Hope her experiences and insights are useful!

  6. elephantthrown

    Hey thanks for following me, I’m glad you fell across something you liked. Stay well.

  7. Louise

    Thanks for following Middle of the Road! Looks like you and I have some pretty similar interests. I look forward to exploring the rest of your blog! -Louise

  8. Thank you for following my blog!

  9. Thanks for following my blog. Best of luck on the writing!

  10. Thanks for following my blog about living with myeloma. As a writer, you may also like to check out my writing blog: jetsmallstones.wordpress.com.

  11. To what do I owe the honour of your kind follow?


  12. You have an interesting blog here. Continue the good work.
    Thanks for your visit and following at my blog.

  13. I have nominated you for the Sunshine Award! Not sure if you accept but please accept my kindness!

    Sunshine Award!

  14. Pingback: Sunshine Award! | Tomorrow Is(m)

  15. Thanks for following my blog. I just came to yours and see I have lots of good reading in store for me, it is fascinating!

  16. thank you for following my blog! happy that you like it 🙂 what an interesting blog you have ! for sure will be back here 🙂

  17. Steve P

    When I google searched my name, I saw you tried to contact me via Twitter. I am not really active on Twitter. Your Twitter comment to me concerns my adoption story on the hallmark channel. I am that person and I have been a dad for over 10 years now. I see you have an interest in adoption. I’m not sure of your particular interest in adoption, but feel free to contact me via email with any questions.

  18. Pleased to meet you.

  19. Lynn

    Thanks for the follow! 🙂

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